One of the main reasons why people join a network marketing company is for freedom. True freedom is when you are living your dream and not someone else's. It means being able to go to a movie on a Wednesday afternoon, or grocery shopping Monday morning, when it isn't so busy. If you truly desire to work for yourself and create your own life then network marketing could be for you.
What are the advantages of starting your own home business in network marketing?
Network Marketers
Generally very low start up cost. A traditional business or franchise costs many thousands of dollars. In comparison you can join most MLMs for well under 0.
Another advantage is you can work your own hours. Most networkers begin part time while they are still working, so they spend time on their business in the evening and/or weekends. You set your own hours.
Very little risk involved. In fact most companies offer a 30-90 day money back guarantee on the product. So really the risk is minimal if at all.
A huge advantage of working at home is the tax advantages. You can claim deductions with a home business that you otherwise could not. Even travel expenses can be claimed as long as at least part of the trip included business. It's fun to travel and get money back!
The one disadvantage is there is no guarantee of income. Some people achieve success in months, some take years, others never achieve it at all. You must be committed and willing to give yourself a couple of years at least.
If you really want freedom badly enough, and have dreams, network marketing can be the way to achieve that. It involves having the right mindset, setting goals and not letting occasional setbacks keep you from your dreams.
Network Marketing Means Freedom
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